Sundays - we celebrate at Hope Church

"Trust steadily in the Lord, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly" 1 Corinthians 13:13
We meet every Sunday morning at 10.30am, with coffee served from 10am.
Our services are pretty relaxed with lively worship, prayer and a Bible based message. There's always coffee and cake afterwards, so hang out and let us get to know you a bit!
After the opening worship, the children will be invited to go out to Hope Kids which is open for ages 0-13 years.There are three groups; preschool, reception to year 4, and year 5 to year 9, one of our team will show you where to go.
Here the kids will be able to explore the Bible at a level that's suitable for them, learn memory verses, and get involved with crafts and other activities - it's great fun!
We'd love to see you at Hope Church this weekend.